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hololens game changer augmented reality

Why HoloLens is a game changer for augmented reality?

  • Joe
  • knowledge

Keyword: triggers. Just until recently, computing devices (PCs, tables, smartphones, etc.) needed a physical object or information on where to overlay the augmented reality experience. HoloLens changes all this. As always, it obvious today, but it wasn’t the case until not that long ago. Let’s see … The whole point of AR is to overlay…

Mobile indoor positioning options

  • Joe
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Some time ago we talked about the challenges for indoor location services. At that time Qualcomm proposal seemed interesting. Time has passed and now this offer is a little more mature and -at least- available as a finished product. Still, there’s no standard way to provide indoor location, as it is the case with GPS….

google glass failed

Why Google Glass v1.0 failed?

  • Joe
  • knowledge
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Many of us followers and participants of the AR environment followed closely the developments of Google Glass, as it was one of the bastions for expanding AR reach. So, it came as little surprise to us when we heard that this current version of Google Glass was being killed. Google gave it the spin of…

telepresence robots

Telepresence robots

  • Joe
  • knowledge, us
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Recently we had the opportunity to experience and try tele presence robots. With a lot of people working from home, these devices make a very appealing use case. In our situation, we were thousands of KMs away from the office on which we were having our interaction, so it was either the robot, videoconference (Skype)…

Windows 10 on a MacBook Pro

  • Joe
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We think HoloLens is going to push even more for AR. As such, we as pioneers in this area, are following closely the developments of HoloLens. One of the requirements to follow and develop for this product is to have Windows 10, as it’s based on it. Well here it is! Installation There’s not much…

hololens google glass

HoloLens vs Google Glass

  • Joe
  • knowledge

As you may know, Microsoft revealed their latest technology product: HoloLens, which -understandably- made a lot of noise on the media. Lets start by the one similarity they (Glass & HoloLens) have: They’re both -at their core- augmented reality products. Neither company calls them that way, nevertheless, they’re. They both overlay information on top of…

oculus rift awesomely sick

Oculus Rift is awesomely sick!

  • Joe
  • knowledge

Each time a new technology is introduced, concerns are raised on the effect on us as human beings. When the locomotive railroads were new, many people had doubts of the effects on the human body to travel at those “fast” speeds (60 KM/h?) the new technology offered. Eventually we learned that no such thing happened….

challenges smartcities

Challenges of SmARtCities

  • Joe
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As always, there’s buzz about something. Among many topics, one that touches our domain is SmartCities. Long history short, SmartCities is based around the concept of everything and everybody in a city communicating. So, the challenge here is getting this communication take place. But what precisely is being communicated? The idea is that buildings can…

implications new apple sim

The implications of the new Apple SIM

  • Joe
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  Since the dawn of the iPhone, Apple has tried to shun away from operators, however reality says they’re a necessary gatekeeper to deal with. For the time being, it will continue to be this way as the operators lease the cellular frequencies on each country. As always, I like to look back to know…

Burger Hortons vs Uncle Sam

  • Joe
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As you might have heard, Burger King just merged with our beloved (for people living in Canada at least) Tim Hortons. I’m not an accountant, nor a tax specialist, so take this as it is: A far away armchair opinion of the events. Naturally, feel free to correct any wrong statement. That being said ……